Posted 43 Days Ago Job ID: 2085905 9 quotes received

Review/Edit Patent Claims & Specs

Fixed PriceUnder $250 W9 Required for U.S.
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  Send before: June 27, 2024

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Review/Edit and Redline Already Drafted Patent Claims and Specification Paragraphs For My Final Approval



Looking for experienced Patent Attorneys and Patent Agents to Review/Edit Patent Claim-sets and Specification paragraphs that are already drafted by my junior team, and make redline markups for my review and approval.


I have a new startup business for drafting patent applications. My team consists of young college grads, with limited hands-on experience in drafting patent applications.


I am looking to build a relationship with low-cost Patent Attorneys and Patent Agents to review, edit and mark-up the claims and detail description of drawing already written by my young staff.


I am looking for Qualified and low-cost help that can crunch thru a number of already drafted claims and specification paragraphs, edit and red line them for my final review before I have them filed.


IF you are helpful, effective, and affordable, there is potential for a long-term relationship here as my business grows.


1.A method and system of providing user-friendly and reliable wireless communication between a device and a pair of wireless earbuds, the device being an electronic device consisting of circuitry and the pair of wireless earbuds being connected to the device via a wireless Bluetooth protocol, the pair of wireless earbuds having an accelerometer, optical sensor, battery, and a wireless charging case and being further configured to filter background noise and resist sweat, the method and system comprising:

a. establishing a secure wireless connection between the device and the pair of wireless    earbuds; 

b. enabling the user of the device to control the audio playback of the device using the pair of wireless earbuds;

c. providing a user-friendly display on the pair of wireless earbuds detailing important information related to audio playback, battery life, and system status; and

d. displaying indicators on the pair of wireless earbuds to notify users of incoming calls or messages. 

2.The method and system of Claim 1, wherein the pair of wireless earbuds comprises at least one filter element for filtering out background noise.



Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown a detail of Level-2 Abnormality Analysis software flow diagram 300 which applies to the software task for analyzing the recorded data for arrhythmia and other cardiovascular abnormalities. ECG monitor 1000 contains a number of pre-loaded software algorithms in its Pre-stored Arrhythmia Algorithm storage area 122a.  These algorithms are loaded at 301a.  Next, the algorithms are used to scrutinize at 301b the patient's ECG signals for abnormalities. Following that, the next task of Level-2 Abnormality Analysis 300 further processes the patient’s ECG signals in order to compute a series of ECG parameters 301c. In the event that abnormalities are detected 301d, the recorded data prior to the abnormal event is saved in the Abnormal Event Buffer 124b, in accordance with Routine 301e, and the computed series of ECG parameters are saved in ECG Parameter storage area 126a, in accordance with Routine 301f. 



My starting budget is limited here. To Review/Edit EACH packet  of: 10 claim-sets (each claim-set has 1 independent and 1 dependent claim) and 10 specification paragraphs, and mark them up for my review, my maximum budget is under $100. I am budgeting for total of 10 such packets, before I finalize on the best candidate to partner up with for the long run here.


Thank you


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David N United States