Posted 27 Days Ago Job ID: 2086863 4 quotes received

30 Second Political Radio Jingle

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  Send before: June 22, 2024

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Sales & Marketing Advertising Campaigns & Collateral

Objective:Create a memorable 30-second radio jingle for Bill Bickerstaff, emphasizing his candidacy as a Republican for Senate District 33 in Broken Arrow. The jingle should be catchy and repeat his name to ensure voter recall.

Target Audience: Republican voters in Senate District 33, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, particularly those who align with conservative values and are supportive of candidates with these background characteristics veteran, family values, and business expertise, small business owner, pro-life, pro 2nd amendment.

Key Messages:

  • Name Recognition: Emphasize "Bill Bickerstaff" repeatedly to ensure name retention.
  • Position and Location: Clearly mention he is running for Senate in District 33, Broken Arrow.
  • Personal Background: Highlight his identity as a Veteran, Family Man, and Businessman, Pro Life, Pro Second Amendment, Small Government and Eliminating the State Income Tax.
  • Political Values: Promote his dedication to conservative values like limited government, lower taxes and his commitment to "put Oklahoma First" and uphold "States Rights."

Tone and Style:The tone should be upbeat and energetic, reflective of Bickerstaff's campaign spirit and conservative values. The style should be straightforward and patriotic, resonating with the local demographic's preferences and cultural values. The primary voters in this race are over the age of 50.

Call to Action:Encourage listeners to vote for Bill Bickerstaff, portraying him as the conservative reliable choice for preserving conservative principles in Senate District 33 and Oklahoma.

Execution Considerations:

  • Ensure the jingle is easy to sing along to and can be easily recalled.
  • Use instruments and a melody line that resonate with the local cultural context, possibly incorporating elements of country or traditional American music.

Distribution: The ad is being aired on local conservative talk radio with a demo of 35+.

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Joe H United States